*We are the Pollution Treatment and applied Environmental Research & Development Partner Company for Ecochar Trademarked Biochar in the U.S.

EcoChar Environmental Solutions
Groundbreaking "Green Carbon" Performance for Healthy Climate, Environment & Economy
Innovators. Skilled Practitioners. Problem-Solvers

EcoChar Environmental Solutions is a leading provider of commercial scale decarbonization, “green carbon" cutting-edge technologies and multi-beneficial environmental services, offering scalable solutions for a variety of soil and water-related pollutant problems. Founded by highly skilled problem-solvers and entrepreneurs in the environmental science and engineering fields with decades of regulatory and hands-on experience, the company was launched due to strong collective interests in providing multi-beneficial, sustainable solutions for the growing environmental, climate and economically-related challenges impacting communities today. We've built our solutions by closely researching the needs, listening to our potential clientele and understanding their expectations with our products - all with a focus on outstanding performance and affordability. Give us your problems and we’ll offer the best green solutions that work for you!

Our Technology
Advanced Green Carbon, Climate-Friendly Sustainable Solutions
Sustainable cost-cutting solutions are at the core of all that we do at EcoChar Environmental Solutions. Our main goal is finding smarter ways of using decarbonization technologies that will accomplish climate-friendly beneficial waste and biomass reuse, reduce multiple environmental burdens and help build a better tomorrow for everyone, everywhere. Click below to learn more about the technology behind our multi-beneficial Green Carbon adsorption technology products and company from one of our representatives.
Featuring High Performance Removal Efficiencies (94-100%) for Treatment of Heavy Metals - including Pb, Cu, Ni, Zn, Hg, Fe, Al, Cd, Cr, Ar, Nutrients (Phosphorus & Nitrogen), PFOS, PFOA, PCBs and other toxics- See performance under R&D. Hydraulic flow rates = 110-118 in3/hr.
Advanced Nature-Based Solutions
Smarter, greener, cheaper, better problem-solving supported through sound science, demonstrated performance and cost-effective business alternatives underscores the core of all that we do at EcoChar Environmental Solutions. Our main goal is finding smarter ways of using economical, climate-friendly technologies and nature-based solutions that will help build a better tomorrow for everyone, everywhere. Click below to connect with us and learn more about our products and applications.